Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mold in Human History

Mold manifests itself in our world no matter where we happen to be and while we will never really be able to get rid of mold, we can continue to educate ourselves about it and understand what it does.

The Bible has the oldest mention of mold and mildew as problem in the household and recommends that any home that is contaminated with it have the materials inside the home that are infected completely removed and taken far away from where people live. Some insurance claims adjusters dismiss mold as a serious health risk, but many of those clam up when they are read that particular scripture out of the most sold book in the world.

What exactly does the Bible say about mold and where? The text mentions mold in the Old Testament in the book of Leviticus in chapter 14:39-47. Priests were told to go into the home and remove the infected stones and other items that were infected with mold. These were to be taken far away from town and dumped in what was called an “unclean” place. The house was watched for seven days and if the mold came back, then the entire structure was to be torn down and rebuilt with different materials. All of the old material was to be removed and taken to the same unclean place the first set of materials was taken to. Any clothing that was contaminated had to be taken to the priest, examined, and then thrown away.

Some scientists today say that the plague of Egypt responsible for killing the first born child of every Egyptian family was due to mold contaminating the grains that were stored underground because of the plague that had come before it, the locusts. Stachybotrys atra in particular could have contaminated this food and if a child consumed enough of it, death was a very real possibility. In those times, the eldest Egyptian child was given a second portion of his food and this would have been enough to cause the child to fall seriously ill and probably die. The Hebrew children of those days did not get such a serving and ate things like unleavened bread and lamb, which were not subject to contamination.

Any insurance adjuster that says mold is not a serious health problem for human beings should be taking a few notes from the Bible, especially if he counts himself a Christian. Even if he doesn’t, the text is still an ancient one and contains the first known mention of mold and mildew contaminating a home and the procedures used to rid the home of the infection.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut Mold Remediation services and
flood and water damage cleanup companies across the united states.